Welcome to St. James Catholic Church in Franklin, Wisconsin.
On behalf of our parish family we greet you with a blessing from scripture. “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you.”
People search church websites for different reasons. Perhaps just curiosity, maybe looking for a parish to join or the mass schedule, or some answer to a question they might have about their faith. Whatever your intention may be we’re glad that you contacted us.
We are very proud to minister and live out our Catholic faith here in this part of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Our mission statement reads “To continue Jesus’ work of calling all people into a loving relationship with God and neighbor.” We believe this is accomplished through prayer and worship, loving service, especially to those most in need, evangelization, education and formation.
A church is most church when it gathers. By coming together as a family, we grow in our faith and in our relationship with God, through his Son and with God’s people. It has been said that people come to and return to a church community that has a welcoming hospitality, great music, and inspiring and challenging homilies. We hope you come and experience with us this great spirit we have here at St. James, and of course, you are more than encouraged to participate in any of the programs we offer whether that be here on our campus or over the internet. We look forward to sharing with you and helping in any way we may be of service.
To you and to your family and friends we wish you:
Love, Peace, and Joy
Fr. Bob Betz
- Fr. Bob Betz, Parish Administrator
- Patti Penkalski, Director of Administrative Services
- Fr. George Gajdos, Assisting Priest
- Carl Reyes, Director of Liturgy and Music
- Mary Jo Hennemann, Director of Family Formation
- Steven Fluur, Director of Pastoral Care
- Linda Schafer, Parish Secretary
- Keith Nitkowski, Custodian / Maintenance
Online Giving - Faith Formation Payments - Santisimo Sacramento Donations
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Presentation of the Lord - February 2, 2025
Soup Sales!
Mushroom Barley will be available to purchase after all
Masses the weekend of February 15/16.
Cost is $4.00 a pint.