

When is reconciliation offered? 

Saturdays, 3:00PM-3:30PM, or by appointment. 

Call 414-761-0480 to set up an appointment.

Who can prepare to receive reconciliation?

  • Baptized children ages 7 and up may prepare for their first reconciliation the fall of their First Communion year. Children and youth attend one to two family sessions a month in addition to the Family Faith Formation Program, receiving their First Reconciliation in December.
  • Unbaptized children ages 7 and up receive reconciliation preparation through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Children. For more information go to Baptism tab
  • Baptized adults (18+) go to the RCIA tab
  • Unbaptized adults (18+) go to the RCIA tab

For more information contact:

For children and youth (17yrs and under) contact Mary Jo Hennemann, Dir of Religious Education, by calling 414-761-0480 x115 or by emailing maryjo@stjames-franklin.org.

Adults (18+ years) contact Steve Fluur, Dir Pastoral Care and Adult Formation, by calling 414-761-0480 x113 or by emailing sfluur@stjames-franklin.org.