Eucharist (Communion)
When is the Eucharist celebrated at St. James?
¨ Saturdays: 4PM
¨ Sundays: 8AM and 10AM
¨ Tuesdays: 8AM
Who can prepare to receive the Eucharist for the first time?
Baptized children and youth ages 7 years and up attend the two monthly Family Faith Formation Program sessions, in addition to one or two sacramental preparation sessions each month. The celebration of First Communion is late spring.
Unbaptized children ages 7+ years receive Eucharist preparation through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Children. For more information please go to the Baptism tab.
Baptized adults (18+ years) See RCIA tab
Unbaptized adults (18+ years) See RCIA tab
For more information contact:
For children and youth (ages 17 yrs and under): Mary Jo Hennemann, Dir of Religious Education by calling 414-761-0480 x115, or by emailing
For adults (18+ years): Steve Fluur, Dir of Pastoral Care and Adult Formation, by calling 414-761-0480 x113, or by emailing