13th Sunday in OT - July 2, 2023

In today’s Gospel Jesus explains how someone can receive a reward.  Sounds great, right?  In the first reading, a kind and generous woman at Shunem receives an awesome reward from God, “This time next year you will be fondling a baby son,” for her hospitality to the prophet Elisha.  The psalmist sings of the goodness of the Lord.  Our greatest reward, though, has already been given to us.  As Paul tells the Romans, when we are baptized into Christ, we are baptized into both his death and his new life.

The Lord is very blunt in this Gospel, “Whoever does not take up the cross and follow him is not worthy of him.”  We pray that we will learn to embrace the cross willingly as we continue our journey of faith in taking up our crosses and following Jesus’ example, we are doing something for God.  Specifically, we are surrendering ourselves to God’s will, as Jesus did when he faced persecution.  Additionally, Jesus promises a reward even to those who give “only a cup of cold water.”  This is like us helping someone else carrying their cross, even if only for a short time, even if only expending a small effort.  What cross is God asking me to carry today, and how can I help someone carry their own cross?

Love, Peace, Joy,

Fr. Bob

Before taking part in your July 4th celebration, join us at 8:00 AM for Mass.


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