Browsing the November 2019 archive of Thoughts from Fr. Bob


Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 11/25/19

As we turn our calendars to December, we begin the season of preparation for the coming of the Lord into the world and into our individual lives.  However; Advent is not only a time in which we wait for the Lord to come to us in some sort of ... Read More »

Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 11/25/19

Christmas is still a month away, but you wouldn’t know it if you turned on the television or walked into a department store.  But here and now we celebrate a very different holy day, the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.  This marks the end ... Read More »

True Measure of Faith

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 11/15/19

Some days are memorable because they seem almost perfect.  Nature is everywhere showcasing its most beautiful side.  The sky is blue, the sun is shining, the air is clean and refreshing.  Even the people we meet seem to be in a great mood.  On such days it is easy ... Read More »

We are a people filled with hope

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 11/06/19

During the month of November, we call to mind and pray for those who have died: friends, family, and members of our faith community of St. James.  November also brings the end of the church liturgical year.  For this reason, our readings focus on the subject of death.  But ... Read More »

Remembering our faithful departed

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 11/06/19

During the month of November, we remember our faithful departed.  Over the last two days we have celebrated All Saints Day and All Souls Day, honoring those whose lives have been holy and recalling all those we love whom we have lost in death.  For God, however, no one ... Read More »

Directing our prayers

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 11/06/19

When we pray, are we directing our prayer outward to God, or are we directing it inward toward ourselves?  In Jesus’ parable, he says that the Pharisee said his prayer to himself.  This could mean that he said it silently, but it could also indicate that he directed it ... Read More »