Imagine a world where everyone cared for the least of their sisters and brothers; a world without want because everyone would be willing to provide for anyone in need; a world without hate because people would disagree without being disagreeable; a world of peace because no one would ever resort to violence; a world where everyone loves God and loves their neighbor with all their heart. Wouldn’t that be an incredible treasure? This is what Jesus is getting at in today’s Gospel. This is the Kingdom of God. It is like a buried treasure or a priceless pearl in that it is worth all that a person has. Given the choice between everything they own and this one object, each person in the Gospel chooses the treasure.
All of us who have received the gift of faith are called to be conformed to the image of Jesus. When we give our lives over to him, we are being like him, for we are doing as he has done. When we do so, we help to build the Kingdom that he came to establish. That is also the mission statement of our parish community of Saint James: “To continue Jesus’ work of calling all people into a loving relationship with God and neighbor.” And so, our parables this week call us to build a world worth treasuring.
Love, Peace, Joy,
Fr. Bob
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