21 OT - August 23, 2020

We need to remind ourselves from time to time, that each of us is the Church, the body of Christ, the universal assembly of believers, called to build the Kingdom of God.  Each one of us is part of this institution, we call the Catholic Church, that can be traced back nearly two thousand years to St. Peter, the rock on whom we are built.  As we celebrate the Eucharist each weekend, let us reflect on this awesome privilege of being a member of this 2,000 year old mission and consider what we are called to do to bring it closer to perfection.

In our Gospel reading today, Jesus poses the question, “Who do you say that I am?”  Throughout our lives we have learned about Jesus from parents, grand and god parents, family members, friends, and teachers, from God’s Word proclaimed each week and from those around us who reflect the face of Christ in our world.  Peter’s answer was that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.  What would our answer be?  Peter's response got him to be called the Rock, given the keys to the Kingdom of God, becoming the first leader (pope) of the Church and ultimately crucified.

We don’t need to give the right theological answer.  We need to give an answer which reflects and signifies everything we say and do.  Our answer makes us another Christ that is a follower of Jesus, a Christian.  We continue to grow in this relationship we have received through faith and baptism, confirmed in the Holy Spirit and nourished by word and sacrament, so that as sustained in the Lord’s mission.  We have become of something much larger than ourselves, for we are a part of a parish community of St. James, of an Archdiocese of Milwaukee, of the whole church 1.4 billion strong and indeed a part of the body of Christ.

Love, Peace, Joy

Fr. Bob


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