23rd Sunday in OT - September 4, 2022

On this holiday weekend, as we recognize the blessings of human labor and of all those who work, whether they are paid or unpaid, we are also inspired to take part in the Lord’s work.

Jesus has a sobering, even shocking, warning to would be disciples in today’s Gospel.  In uncompromising language he tells the crowds that whoever wishes to be his disciple must make a total commitment.  Without turning our backs on what we cherish above our own lives, father and mother, wife or husband, children, brothers and sisters, and even our own lives, you cannot be my disciple.  After all, the apostles left behind their families, their homes, and all their possessions to follow Jesus.  We might be tempted to think it is an impossible choice.  The stuff of saints and martyrs, not for ordinary people like me.

Take up your cross, insists Jesus.  It is not an invitation to grit our teeth and endure the arduous.  It is a call to stretch out our arms and embrace in love the rough and the uncomfortable, the difficult, and perhaps even the impossible.  As we look at our own commitment from a different perspective, let us pray for the grace to be worthy disciples of the Lord.  May the Eucharist strengthen us as we labor in the vineyard helping to bring Christ’s message to a hungry world.

As the end of summer comes, it marks the sign of a new school year beginning.  Here is a prayer of blessing for students and teachers.

Lord our God,

in your wisdom and love

you surround us with the mysteries of the universe. 

In times long past you sent us your prophets

to teach your laws

and to bear witness to your undying love. 

You sent us your Son

to teach us by word and example

that true wisdom comes from you alone. 

Send your Spirit upon these students and their teachers

and fill them with your wisdom and blessings. 

Grant that during this academic year

they may devote themselves to their studies

and share what they have learned from others. 

Grant this through Christ our Lord.  Amen.


Love, Peace, Joy,

Fr. Bob


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