24th Sunday in OT - September 12, 2021

Return and Rejoice!!  This weekend marks the beginning of our theme for this coming year.  Kids and young people are back in school, college, and soon to be in our religious education program.  While these are steps toward normalcy, we know the fight against the COVID-19 virus is not over.  Certain places call for masks to be worn again, have our vaccinations, negative COVID test, or keep social distancing.  Often we hear only what we want to hear, not what we need to hear.  It’s only human, even Peter showed this tendency.  When Jesus told his disciples that he would suffer and be killed, Peter immediately drew him aside and criticized him.  Not only did Jesus rebuke him, but he told the crowd that everyone who follows him must suffer as well.  They must be willing to take up their cross. 

But once we accept Jesus’ command, we truly can live out our faith.  Living out our faith, says James in his letter, means doing something concrete to show it.  If we truly believe that all people are made in the image of God and that God’s Son came to save the multitudes, then that faith should drive us to care for our neighbor, especially those in need of material assistance, e.g. the new Afghan immigrants and victims of hurricanes and other natural disasters.

Today’s Gospel begins by Jesus asking, “Who do you say that I am?”  That is one of our life-long questions.  We already, at any state of life we are in, have much to return and rejoice about.  In the Mass we recall the marvelous deeds God has accomplished throughout history.  Let us never forget the one act that stands out above all others, the saving death and resurrection of Christ.  For this great gift we offer praise and thanks.

Love, Peace, Joy,

Fr. Bob


This week also begins our annual rummage sale.  We begin by thanking Bernie Bellin for leading us in the parish fundraiser, for all the volunteers who help operate this event, for all those who contributed articles to be purchased and for all those who will come to search for some great bargains.  May God bless this effort to raise resources to continue His work here at St. James.


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