26th Sunday in OT - September 25, 2022

“Too late!”  We often use that expression after something does or does not happen that we wish did.  While he was alive, the rich man in today’s Gospel ignored the beggar Lazarus at his gate.  Now he suffers in torment.  In death a great chasm separates him from paradise.  It is too late for this man who spent his life taking care of himself and ignoring those in need.

The rich man chose not to see Lazarus, but he knew he was there.  He even knew his name, but during his life he chose to remain blind to his needs, not even dumping the scraps from his table outside his gate for him to eat.  Perhaps this would be an acknowledgement that he would do something to ease his suffering.  To dismiss himself from guilt he chose to ignore him, to pretend there was nothing he could do.  Even now, do we assume there is nothing we can do to help the numerous Lazaruses at our gate?

At the end of Jesus’ parable, Abraham dismisses the rich man’s pleas to send the deceased Lazarus to warn his brothers, saying that, “Neither will they be persuaded if someone should rise from the dead.”  As Luke wrote this Gospel, he knew someone had risen from the dead.  Nearly two thousand years later, does Jesus’ resurrection persuade us to end our complacency and give compassion and mercy to those in need?  It is not too late for us.  No matter how old, we can change our attitudes and behavior.  As the seasons change around us, let us consider the possibility of change within us.

Love, Peace, Joy,

Fr. Bob

We take this opportunity to welcome Steve Fluur as our new Director of Pastoral Care and Adult Formation.  The Lord has sent him to us to be part of our pastoral team and to help all of us grow and build the Kingdom of God here at St. James Parish.  We pledge our support and prayers for him in this new ministry.


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