27th Sunday in OT - October 2, 2022

Often we feel that our faith is weak, unable to overcome all our doubts or give us the confidence to face our trials.  Jesus’ closest friends, his apostles, may have felt the same way.  Today we hear them ask Jesus to increase their faith.  Jesus responds by issuing them a challenge, telling them, that even a small amount of faith has the power to do great things. 

In the Gospel, Jesus compares a mustard seed to faith, saying that faith even as small and undeveloped as the seed itself can be powerful enough to do great wonders.  He goes on to say the mulberry tree is notoriously difficult to uproot, as it has an extensive root system.  Yet, Jesus tells his disciples that faith the size of a tiny mustard seed can do it.  It takes roots deep within us, is fertilized and nurtured by others, probably our parents, family, teachers, and friends, and grows and grows for many years.  We may feel that our faith is weak, threatened by doubt, but in fact it is rooted more deeply than any tree.

Faith demands and leads us to action.  We see the problems and injustices and conflicts of our world through the eyes of faith and are called to uproot them.  Others may say it is too difficult, too hopeless, or that it requires someone more powerful than me.  But we have the power of faith.  We can each be the one that uses that power to bring hope, bring justice, and bring peace.  With faith, any size, we have the power to do great things.

Love, Peace, Joy,

Fr. Bob


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