28th Sunday in OT - October 9, 2022

Last week we heard the disciples ask Jesus to increase their faith.  Jesus told them that even faith the size of a mustard seed could uproot a tree and plant it in the sea.  Today we hear Jesus tell the leper who returned to give thanks, “Your faith has saved you.”  Because of their leprosy, these ten lepers had to be rooted outside the village, far from the synagogue, unable to worship with the community.  The faith of the ten lepers, who called Jesus master, was enough to lead to their physical healing, at least as dramatic as uprooting a tree, but the spontaneous gratitude of the Samaritan leper, brought him salvation, effectively replanting him not only back in the community, but also in the Kingdom of God.

We come together this day to give praise and glory to God in a spirit  of gratitude.  We are grateful to God for the gift of faith that grows within us and for God’s healing presence in the sacrament of the anointing of the sick.  During the pandemic there were times when collectively or individually we have not been able to gather together.  Many of our family parishioners are still homebound.  If this is the case, call 414-761-0480, ext. 113 and let Steve, our Director of Pastoral Care, know you would like holy communion and/or be anointed.  We pray today for them and all who are suffering physically, emotionally, sociologically, and spiritually, that through Christ’s healing power they may be restored to heal.

Love, Peace, Joy,

Fr. Bob


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