Each weekend we begin our Mass by welcoming one another, especially those visiting us for the first time. That’s exactly what St. Paul commands us to do in our second reading in his letter to the Romans. “Welcome one another as Christ welcomed you.” Moreover, as Paul welcomed Gentiles, and the wolf became a guest of the lamb, we are called to welcome those who are not like us. Those coming from different cultures, speaking other languages, or expressing other viewpoints.
What a beautiful image of this ideal existence Isaiah gives us in our first reading. The wolf does not become the lamb, nor the lamb the wolf. Animals that are natural enemies are able to get along, not by ceasing to be what they are, but by changing their behavior. Note the lion eating hay, embracing a vegetarian diet in order to coexist with the ox. Also see that in each pairing one is gentle and often young: a lamb, a calf, a baby. Possibly the presence of such a harmless creature on God’s holy mountain tames the fierce one. We are called to be the peaceful ones, finding ways to reduce tension and reconcile with those with whom we’ve failed to get along. Jesus, the lamb, is put to death after a threatening crowd, like a pack of ravenous wolves, demands that he be killed. The vision of the world after the Son of David, the root of Jesse, who arrived was not realized. The world carried on with its injustice to poverty and its aggression. And it still does. To reach that kingdom, where all will live in harmony, we need to repent, to change. All of us are called to be sorry and atone for our sins. And it begins with me. What better time than this season of Advent.
Love, Peace, Joy,
Fr. Bob
Thursday, December 8th, is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. A Holy Day of obligation, the model of the advent season, and the patroness of the United States. During this season, as we prepare to welcome Jesus into the world. May her acceptance of God’s grace be an example for us in our mission to bear Christ to others. We will celebrate Mass at 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM.
Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us.
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