On this Second Sunday of Lent the Church always gives us, in the Gospel, the account of the transfiguration. Jesus knew that his agony and death were not far away. That is why Jesus had Peter, James, and John go to the mountaintop to witness the glorious outcome after his crucifixion. If his three closet friends could see a glimpse of his glory in the Resurrection; if they could witness that he is the fulfillment of the law and the prophets; if he could impress upon their memories the full truth of who He is, then, in his darkest hour they might not lose heart, but remain faithful. And of course, it didn’t turn out that way.
We should not be so quick to judge them. They did have a preview of the truth of Jesus that others had not seen, but they had not yet met the risen Christ, nor received the Holy Spirit given at Pentecost. They continued to misunderstand the kind of Messiah Jesus was. But we know. We know the great price he paid by his passion and death. We know he was raised in glory on Easter Sunday. Our vision of Christ should be transfigured by the knowledge that the Jesus we see in one another, and the least of our brothers and sisters, is also the Jesus who suffered and died on the cross, and is also, now, the Jesus of dazzling glory.
We may not be on a high mountain right now but I hope all of us have had mountaintop experiences of the Lord. When we are gathered in his name, two or three, we know that he is with us. That’s what makes our isolation and only viewing Mass on TV at times, difficult to experience him. Our receiving him in the Eucharist is so affirming for our faith. Listening to his word in scripture and receiving him in communion, and hopefully soon for those who cannot gather, will allow us to say with Peter, “Lord how good it is for us to be here.” How can I transfigure my life this Lent so I can fulfill God’s proclamation, “This is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased. Listen to Him.”
Love, Peace, Joy,
Fr. Bob
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