3rd Sunday in OT - January 21, 2024

In today’s Gospel, Jesus passes by the Sea of Galilee and calls the first four disciples, two pairs of brothers, Simon and Andrew, James (our patron) and John.  Follow me, he tells these four fishermen, and I will make you fishers of more disciples.  Jesus continues to call disciples.  We were all called when we were baptized.  May the story of the first four disciples inspire us to drop our nets and follow closely our Lord as His disciples.

Note that Jesus did not tell the pairs of brothers that they had to study him for a good long time and pass a test before they could go out and fish for more disciples.  No, he told them straight out that all they had to do was follow and he would make them fishers of others.  We need not worry about first becoming qualified enough to reach out to others.  As long as we sincerely follow him, we can invite others to follow as well.

Love, Peace, Joy,

Fr. Bob

Monday, January 22, is a Day of Prayer for the legal protection of unborn children.


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