In today’s Gospel, the risen Lord appears to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias. It was a strange crew on the boat that morning-Peter, who had denied Jesus; Thomas, who had doubted him; Nathanael, who initially scoffed at the thought of someone important coming from Nazareth; Zebedee’s sons, John and James, who wanted favored seats next to Jesus in the kingdom. These are the people to whom Jesus chose to reveal himself. What’s more, none of them recognized him standing on the shore, close enough to be heard. He had appeared to them in Jerusalem twice. But it is not until they make an incredible catch at his direction that any of them recognized him. Jesus was still who he always was, but something in his appearance had changed in the disciples’ eyes.
Recognizing the Lord had always proven to be a challenge. Consider that the disciples had never really understood the news that he would suffer and die, but then rise on the third day. In the upper room, they only recognized him when he showed them his hands and his side. Today they recognized him in the miraculous catch of fish; but in the end, he revealed himself by breaking bread with them, just as he had done on the night before he died. Jesus’s gift of the Eucharist of his body and blood, is the continual revelation of himself to us.
Love, Peace, Joy,
Fr. Bob
Today, the first of May begins the month where we especially honor Mary and ask her intercession. This Sunday, after the 10:00 AM Mass, we will celebrate at our shrine, the crowning of the image of the Virgin Mary. Last Sunday was the first time here at St. James we had a special service in honor of the Divine Mercy. A special thanks to our staff who provided a brunch before the service.
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