4th Sunday in OT - January 30, 2022

In our gospel today, Jesus quotes Isaiah, Elijah, and Elisha.  Referencing these three prophets should be a ticket to being accepted by the people.  But when Elijah told the king that the Lord would bring three years of drought, then left to save the life of a foreigner, he didn’t exactly endear himself to the starving Israelites.  And when Elisha cured the foreign general, not his own people, then brought that disease upon his own servant, it could easily bring about resentment.  When Isaiah called for glad tidings to the poor and lowly, and freedom to the oppressed and imprisoned, how must those in power have felt?  The people of Nazareth expected a Messiah who would overthrow the Romans and bring them freedom and glad tidings.  Why is Jesus talking about helping foreigners instead?  Luke consistently emphasizes that Jesus was sent to outsiders and was sent to show mercy to all.  His own people failed to appreciate this.

Often the gospel is heart-warming and inspiring, but suddenly it turns difficult and serious.  Living faithfully to the gospel can be like this.  We hear that the gospel is like a two edged sword.  “It comforts the afflicted, and afflicts the comfortable.”  We can leave Mass enthused and inspired, only to encounter conflict or adversity at home, in our neighborhood, or in the world.  As always, we pray that the Eucharist may strengthen us for our struggles throughout the week.

Love, Peace, Joy,

Fr. Bob

Thursday of this week, February 3, is the feast of St. Blaise.  We will celebrate the customary blessing at all the Masses next weekend.


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