4th Sunday of Easter - May 8, 2022

Every Sunday Jesus draws us to weekend Mass, as a shepherd draws his flock.  “My sheep hear my voice,” he says in today’s Gospel, “and they follow me.”  Jesus is the Good Shepherd.  He feeds his flock with his word and with his own Body and Blood.  He loves his flock, suffering, dying, and laying down his life for us.  He continues to provide for his sheep by sending us the Holy Spirit.  At home in the comforting embrace of our Good Shepherd, or through the gathering of the family of St. James, let us give thanks and praise.  We are truly loved by the Lord.

How appropriate that we hear this Gospel about the Good Shepherd on Mother’s Day.  Jesus compares himself to a shepherd-guiding, protecting, and providing for us.  He promises the sheep of his flock that he will forever hold them securely in his hand.  How fortunate we are who have had mothers, grandmothers, godmothers, and women caretakers who have guided us, protected us, loved us, held us, and who have treated us with the tender loving care of the Good Shepherd.

Love, Peace, Joy,

Fr. Bob

Today is also a world day of prayer for Vocations.  So we ask God to bless the Church with good priests and deacons, religious, and lay ministers to serve and love the people of God.


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