This is the fourth Sunday of the Ordinary season of the year. Mark leads us from the baptism of Jesus, to the selection of the disciples, to the beginning of our Lord’s mission in Capernaum. Immediately on the Sabbath day Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach. He impressed the people in a very positive manner. There is no suggestion in the Bible that Jesus was attractive physically. Artists speculate on his appearance but no one knows for sure. He may have been handsome or quite plain for all we know. But what drew people to Jesus was the force of his teaching.
He did not teach like the scribes who used the rules and law of the Torah and quoted other authorities. Jesus taught on his own authority. He spoke amazing words with the forcefulness of the voice of God. If Jesus’ words had the power to leave the people amazed and astonished, his deeds did so as well. He heals a man possessed by an unclean spirit with his words alone. His authority was not based on some priestly office or professional training. Rather, he taught with first-hand experience. When he spoke of God, he talked about a reality that was more real to him than the ground he stood on or the air he breathed. There is nothing that matches the persuasive power and authority than personal experience.
Today as we hear the words of the psalmist “If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts,” may these words turn our hearts to joy and thanksgiving. The only people who talk believably about the love and grace of God are those who have experienced it firsthand. The world listens to those who obviously speak from experience. Having experienced our Lord in Word and Sacrament, let us go out to preach and teach that Good News by all we say and do.
Love, Peace, Joy,
Fr. Bob
For all those who did not pray– 3 Our Fathers and 3 Hail Marys for our Packers, your penance is to do that twice.
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