7th Sunday of Easter - Ascension - May 29,2022

This Memorial Day weekend marks the unofficial beginning of summer.  And this Sunday the church has moved the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord-forty days after Easter-to the 7th Sunday of Easter.  This holy day celebrates that day when Jesus Christ, having risen from the dead and appeared to his disciples with his gift of peace, and his command to preach to all the nations, ascended into heaven to be seated at the right hand of the Father forever.  The portion of his mission which necessitated his physical presence here on earth had ended, but the mission was far from over.  It was entrusted first to his disciples then in turn to every baptized Christian.  And so next weekend we will celebrate fifty days after Easter, the beginning of the Church with the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

For three years the apostles joined Jesus as he taught, healed, and gathered disciples all around Galilee and Judea.  Then all appeared lost in a matter of hours when he was arrested, abandoned, and put to death.  But this was not the end; he was raised from the dead and then appeared to them in his risen body.  The apostles rejoiced for he was alive and defeated death.  Then he broke the news that he was soon returning to the Father.  It would not be surprising that they initially felt disappointed and let down.  But today’s Gospel says nothing of any disappointment.  On the contrary, Luke writes that they returned to Jerusalem with great joy.  Even though they had not yet received the Holy Spirit, they found strength to overcome their loss.  Perhaps they realized that Jesus was still with them in a different way.  They had been reconciled with him after they had abandoned him when he was arrested.  Now he entrusted them with his mission and had promised them the Holy Spirit, and so their hearts were filled with joy and hope. 

And now what are we going to do with our summer?  First, let us remember all those who gave their lives in service to our country,    and all our loved ones who have died.  Maybe there’s a graduation. Congratulations to all our families who are celebrating this type of  event.  Or maybe a wedding, people drawn together in God’s love.    Or just time to go on a vacation, relax, and recharge our batteries.  Whatever we do, let’s not forget the Lord.  Commit ourselves to coming to Mass each weekend.  After all, there is no vacation from  our vocation to be disciples of the Lord.

Love, Peace, Joy,

Fr. Bob


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