Corpus Christi - June 6, 2021

Every time we gather for the Eucharist, we offer simple gifts of bread and wine that become Christ’s Body and Blood for all to share.  These basic staples of food and drink that we bring to the table at Mass become the flesh and blood of our Savior.  His body and Blood nourish us as we carry out His mission.  We approach the table of the Lord in joy and gratitude for God’s abiding presence in this sacred meal.

In today’s reading, both Moses and Jesus use the words “blood of the covenant” to describe their offering.  For Moses, the blood from their animals seals the covenant God has made with His chosen people.    For Jesus, His blood assures His disciples that they share in the new covenant brought about by His sacrifices.  As the Book of Hebrews says, Christ’s blood now raises the power of the covenant to a new level.  Blood was understood to be the life force of animal and human life.  Even as the flow of blood out of the animals who were sacrificed took their lives, it brought life to the altar and to the people upon whom it was sprinkled.  If that be the case, how much more will the blood of Christ bring eternal life to all of us? 

Today is the feast of Corpus Christi, the Solemnity of the most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.  During the time of the COVID-19 pandemic when we could not receive the Eucharist, we became more aware of a gift that we often take for granted.  As we receive Jesus in Holy Communion today, let us reaffirm the covenant God has made with us.  Tell Him how grateful you are that He has bound himself to you in this unconditional, irrevocable bond of love.  Renew your love and commitment to Him.  Tell Him how grateful you are for this miraculous gift.  Then open your heart to His grace and let it strengthen your determination to love and serve Him more faithfully all the days of your life. 

Love, Peace, Joy,

-Fr. Bob


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