Today is the Second Sunday of Easter. Years ago it was called low Sunday in comparison to the great celebration of Easter Sunday. More recently it is given the title of Divine Mercy Sunday, the eighth day in the Octave of Easter. We celebrate God’s everlasting mercy which is found in the purest expression in the sacrifices of God’s only Son. Conscious of both God’s mercy and Jesus’ command to do for the least of our brothers and sisters what he has done for us. We pray that we may be merciful and forgiving to others, sharing that most precious gift God gives us.
John wrote in today’s gospel that the first thing Jesus did, after greeting the apostles with peace, was show them his hands and his side. He showed them his wounds. Not only did that prove that he really was the Lord, it also showed them the wounds had a real and lasting effect on his body. The wounds on Christ’s body are not symbolic or superficial. Likewise, the body of Christ, the Church, is wounded, and those wounds are real.
We have the opportunity to see Christ’s risen body as well, just not in the same way that the apostles did. With the eyes of faith, through the doubting Thomas’s eyes, we can perceive his risen body, wounds and all, in the Church, in the world, in our community, in our parish, in each other. That faith-filled vision allowed the early Christian community to live and thrive despite the persecution they endured. They saw Christ’s risen body in their community, in the wounds they suffered, and in the fellowship they shared. “Blessed are they who have not seen and yet believe.” With eyes of faith, how do we see Christ’s wounds in our community?
Love, Peace, Joy,
Fr. Bob
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