Easter - March 31, 2024

Today we gather in joy to celebrate the holiest and most wonderful of days, Easter.  Jesus, who sacrificed his life on behalf of us all, has been raised from the dead.  Alleluia!  This is the day that gives meaning to Jesus’ suffering and death, and in turn to our own.  Suffering and death are not the end.  Jesus has led the way to his Father for all eternity.  How appropriate that we gather for the Eucharist.  In the Eucharist, we give thanks to the Lord for the ultimate sacrifice he made for our sins.  In the Eucharist, we receive his Body and Blood, more closely uniting us with him, now and eternally.

The Resurrection transforms us.  Holding the promise of resurrection for ourselves and those we love gives hope and meaning to our life.     It transforms us.  But we are also transformed by the power God has  to raise us from our graves of sinfulness and our tombs of despair.     In many ways, our lives are reborn by the Resurrection, like a fresh batch of dough, and by focusing our minds on what is above.  A God who has the power to transform death to new life has the power to transform our ordinary and difficult lives to new lives as well.  May  we recognize that our lives stand ever ready for transformation.

Love, Peace, Joy,

Fr. Bob

On behalf of our parish staff: Carl, Donna, Mary Jo, Steve, Linda, Keith, Fr. George, and myself may the Risen Christ bless our world, country, church, parish of St. James, our families, and our friends.  May the Easter season of the next fifty days continue to empower us to grow in Faith, Hope, and Love.

Happy Easter!


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