Christ is risen, alleluia! He is truly risen, alleluia! The dramatic action of the Triduum climaxes today with the first reports of the miraculous news. He is not dead! He has been raised! Our Savior has conquered death and been raised to new life. Since we are all baptized into his death, we are all raised to new life in him. God’s love and mercy has been poured out on us all, for us all, so that we may live, as Paul wrote, “in the newness of life.” In this newness of life, we come together to celebrate at this most glorious feast, singing of our joy and thanksgiving.
As our Psalm (118:24) says, “This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad.” Obviously, we do so today. But what about tomorrow when we return to work, or some day soon that brings pain and suffering, let alone on those routine days when the pressures of work or family or life in general drag us down? Let Paul’s words redirect our focus: “Think of what is above, not of what is on earth.” (Colossians 3:2). Keeping in mind that the Son of God came from above to be one of us, to suffer with us, and to redeem us, may we continue to sing of the wonder of each day. For the Lord made each day for us to rejoice and be glad in the lasting company of our Savior. Christ is with us today, tomorrow, and every day of the rest of our lives. May the blessing of the Risen Christ be with you, your families, and all your friends. A blessed Easter from Fred, Carl, Donna, Mary Jo, Linda, Dale, Fr. George, and myself.
Love, Peace, Joy,
-Fr. Bob
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