Feast of Christ the King - November 20, 2022

Today we acknowledge that while leaders of nations in this world come and go, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is ruler over all people both now and forever.  The idea  to celebrate this feast was born out of a growing nationalism and secularism one hundred years ago.  The world had just lived through the horrors of four years of war unprecedented in its spread over the whole world.  This led to Pope Pius XI instituting this solemnity in 1925.  Today we recognize Christ’s preeminence and pray for the day when people and goodwill forever overcome war and aggression.

In our Gospel, we see the kind of kingship that belonged to our Lord.  Instead of an earthly throne, his cross was his throne.  Instead of an earthly crown of gold and jewels, his was a crown of thorns.  Three times those surrounding Jesus on the cross scoffed at this supposed king slowly dying the death of a criminal.  The rulers, the soldiers, and one of the criminals each call upon him to save himself if he is so powerful.  They cannot understand the paradox of God being born into this world seemingly only to die this horrible death.  Only the criminal who recognizes Jesus’ innocence seeks not that his own life be saved, but rather life in a kingdom that the Messiah is willing to die for.  Let that be our prayer as well:  Jesus, remember me when you “come into your kingdom.”

Love, Peace, Joy,

Fr. Bob

November 24th is Thanksgiving Day.  Hopefully we will all be gathering around a banquet table to share some delicious food as     well as our love and friendship with one another.  Since the word Eucharist means thanksgiving, why not join us around the banquet table of the Lord here at St. James Church.  Our Mass will be on the eve, November 23, at 7:00 PM.


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