It’s hard to believe that Lent is half over. This Sunday is called Laetare (Rejoice) Sunday. In joy we anticipate the unparalleled love, mercy, and peace that the risen Lord gives to us at Easter. God’s unconditional love for the world was so great that He sends Jesus, His son, to be our Savior and Redeemer. This good news reminds us that whoever believes this may not die, but have eternal life.
On Christmas Eve, we heard the prophet Isaiah’s words that a great light has come to shine through the darkness. We believe that Jesus is that light. In today’s gospel we hear John say that some people preferred the darkness. They didn’t have to worry about their actions in the darkness. But we are called to value what is good and true and holy, and so we come to the light, to the Christ, so that our works may be seen, may be initiated, and may lead others to God.
Nicodemus would be such an example. We hear Jesus address him in the Gospel today, but what we don’t hear is that this discussion happens when Nicodemus comes to the Lord after nightfall. Why did he come at night? Not because his works were evil, but because he was a member of the Sanhedrin and feared that his position would be in danger if he was seen meeting with Jesus. So Jesus, the light of the world, was directly addressing him with his words. How did Nicodemus take Jesus’ challenge? Well, we will see Nicodemus again in a couple of weeks, on Good Friday. It is he and Joseph of Arimathea, both secretly, not any of the twelve, who dare ask Pilate for permission to remove Jesus’ body from the cross, anoint it and bury it in a newly made tomb. Nicodemus chooses to live the truth and come to the light.
While exiled in Babylon, the Chosen People found it difficult to worship the Lord and live holy lives. Whether out of fear or shame or convenience, many people chose to forget their faith as they tried to live in a godless society. When I was a kid, 85% of all Catholics celebrated Mass every weekend. Today about 25% do. Is it any wonder why there are so many problems and difficulties in our world and society. If things seem darker than ever, we need to let the Easter light we receive from the Paschal Candle shine forth. The greater the darkness, the brighter the light. Am I willing to live out my faith in the light of day, even when it makes me uncomfortable because I am ridiculed or rejected by some of our friends, family, and society?
Love, Peace, Joy,
-Fr. Bob
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