Third Sunday of Advent - December 15, 2024

We will hear it at least a few times over the next two weeks, “It’s better to give than to receive.” We recognize this when we see the expressions of joy in a child’s face or tears of appreciation from a parent or spouse when they open a gift we’ve given them. Jesus himself said the same words to his disciples, though in a context more like the one we hear today with John the Baptist preaching to the crowds to share what they have with those who have less. As we prepare for the Lord’s coming, let us share from the bounty the Lord has blessed us with and give to those in need.

John the Baptist emerged from the desert, as we heard last week, calling for all people to repent and be baptized, for the kingdom of God is at hand. The crowds have practical questions about what they should do beyond repenting and getting baptized by John. So John gives them concrete advice. Do you have an extra cloak or extra food? Share it with those who have none. Are you working for the Roman government in order to get by? Don’t steal or lie in the course of your work.

Interestingly, when asked by tax collectors and soldiers, thought to be collaborators with the occupying forces, John did not tell them to resign their positions and stop collecting taxes or fighting on behalf of Rome. No, he merely told them to change the way they carried out their duties. Be honest, just, and decent. In this way, we will be gathered into the Kingdom, like good wheat among the chaff. The Lord is as near as our neighbor in need, for he is present in those who are in need. When we see someone in obvious need of food, clothing, or shelter, do we see a failure, a freeloader, a government responsibility? Or do we see our Lord? In our hearts, may we continually relearn the blessing of giving.

Love, Peace, Joy,

Fr. Bob



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