Today is the first Sunday of Lent

Today is the first Sunday of Lent.  As we begin this annual observance, the focus of the first and Gospel readings are on temptation.  Adam and Eve are tempted by the serpent in the Garden of Eden.  Jesus in tempted in the desert by the devil.  Though Adam and Eve are talked into disobeying God, Jesus resists the devil’s repeated attempts.  Though the temptations in our life may not be as dramatic as those in Genesis or the gospels, they may be just as powerful.

We are all faced with choices in our lives.  These decisions and choices will either bring us closer to God or move us away from God.  Lent is a grace-filled time to repent, turn away from sin, and be more faithful to the gospel.  As we place ashes on our foreheads we are enrolling ourselves as penitents renewing our baptismal life in the Lord.

The traditional penances are:  prayer, fasting, and alms-giving or charity.  They really cover the two great commandments that our Lord has given us:  to love God (prayer), neighbor (charity), and self (fasting).  By living out these traditional observances we grow in God’s grace and love.  As we begin this holy season of Lent, let us take both of these commands to heart and acknowledge our brokenness, resolve with the help of God to do better and follow the path of renewal to the Easter waters of baptism reborn and renewed.  Blessings on your 40 days.

Love, Peace, Joy

Fr. Bob

P.S.  Just a reminder that Daylight Saving Time begins next Sunday: Set your clocks forward 1 hour.


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