Browsing Thoughts from Fr. Bob

25 OT - September 20, 2020

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 9/17/20

In our first reading today from the prophet Isaiah he says, “My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways.”  We can all testify to that.  Why doesn’t God see things my way?  Why doesn’t he just give me the things I ask for, like: healing ... Read More »

24 OT - September 16, 2020

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 9/10/20

On the calendar today it says it is Grandparents’ Day.  There’s an old saying, “Parents can not be everywhere, so God created grandparents.”  May God bless our grandmothers and grandfathers and godparents for the great gift that they are.

In today’s Gospel, Peter asks our Lord, “If my brother ... Read More »

23 OT - September 6, 2020

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 9/03/20

This is Labor Day weekend.  Often seen as the end of summer.  Where did the time go?  We honor all those who work to do the things that contribute to society whether in a factory, on a farm, in an office, at home, or together in building the Kingdom ... Read More »

22 OT - August 30,2020

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 8/27/20

What a reversal we have in Simon Peter’s life from last week.  He proclaims Jesus as “the Christ, the Son of the living God.”  Under the influence of the Holy Spirit, Peter reveals this.  Today Peter hears our Lord tell his disciples he must go to Jerusalem and suffer ... Read More »

21 OT - August 23, 2020

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 8/26/20

We need to remind ourselves from time to time, that each of us is the Church, the body of Christ, the universal assembly of believers, called to build the Kingdom of God.  Each one of us is part of this institution, we call the Catholic Church, that can be ... Read More »

20 OT - August 16, 2020

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 8/12/20

Today we gather together, as we do each weekend, whether in person or through the TV, as the body of Christ.  As always we worship God, setting aside this sabbath time to be nourished with God’s Word and Eucharist to strengthen us on our journey to the kingdom.  In ... Read More »

19 OT - August 9, 2020

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 8/06/20

We just set a record for the largest amount of rain-fall in August.  My mom was dreadfully afraid of storms.  Perhaps it was because as a child their house and barn were destroyed by a tornado.  The family came out of the storm cellar and everything was gone.  Is ... Read More »

18 OT - August 2, 2020

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 7/29/20

Many of the thousands of people who were sick and hungry, walked for miles from towns all over Galilee just to see and hear Jesus.  How fortunate, we can join our Lord at the Eucharistic table.  While we are still dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, we have room at ... Read More »

17 OT - July 26, 2020

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 7/24/20

In today’s readings we encounter a number of people whom fortune smiles upon.  Solomon, heir to King David’s throne, is visited by God, who promises him whatever he wishes.  In the Gospel, a random person discovers buried treasure and a merchant searching for fine pearls find a pearl of ... Read More »

16 OT

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 7/24/20

It is a great pleasure in the middle of these summer months to sit back and listen to stories.  We began last week in Matthew’s Gospel Chapter 13 where he gives us seven parables.  These stories make our Lord’s teachings about the kingdom of God more memorable than a ... Read More »