Browsing Thoughts from Fr. Bob

5th Sunday of OT - February 7, 2021

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 2/03/21

Well we certainly got our taste of winter last Sunday.  About 5:30 AM Donna texted me and asked if we were going to have Mass or not.  I said I’d drive over and see how things were.  Afterall, I have an SUV.  Meanwhile, getting stuck in my driveway answered ... Read More »

4th Sunday OT - January 31, 2021

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 1/28/21

This is the fourth Sunday of the Ordinary season of the year.  Mark leads us from the baptism of Jesus, to the selection of the disciples, to the beginning of our Lord’s mission in Capernaum.  Immediately on the Sabbath day Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach.  ... Read More »

3rd Sunday OT - January 24, 2021

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 1/28/21

Did you ever know someone who inspired great confidence in you?  When I was five years old, I asked my pastor, Fr. Max Adamski, if I could start serving Mass.  His response was, “Come next Sunday and you can begin.”  Ever since then I wanted to be a priest.  ... Read More »

2nd Sunday of OT - January 17, 2021

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 1/15/21

Today’s Gospel and readings are about people being called to follow Jesus and to do God’s will.  The invitation is welcoming and intriguing, “Come and you will see.”  The question for us is, of course, “How are we called by the Lord?”  Certainly through the waters of baptism.  Out ... Read More »

Baptism of the Lord - January 10, 2021

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 1/06/21

Today we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord, the completion of the Christmas Season.  Last week we celebrated the Epiphany, when Mary’s newborn baby was revealed to the world.  This week we hear God’s voice revealing Jesus as the Son of God.  “You are my beloved Son; with you ... Read More »

Epiphany - January 3, 2021

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 12/28/20

There is a song we hear at this time of the year that begins, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.”  With nature at times giving us storms, wildfires, earthquakes, with war still being waged, with people being killed just walking down the street, to say nothing of ... Read More »

Christmas 2020 / Holy Family December 27, 2020

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 12/22/20

The tree may be down, the presents put away, along with the outside decorations, but the church continues to celebrate the festive season of Christmas by honoring this weekend, The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.  Like all families, they had their happy and sad moments.  Recall Joseph’s ... Read More »

4th Sunday of Advent - December 20, 2020

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 12/18/20

Our season of anticipation and preparation during this advent season is nearly over.  The promise of these four weeks, the coming of our Lord and Savior, will soon be reaching its fulfillment.

Luke’s Gospel this weekend in the Annunciation is filled with good news.  Elizabeth, in her advanced age  ... Read More »

3rd Sunday of Advent -December 13, 2020

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 12/11/20

Today, the Third Sunday of Advent, is called in Latin, Gaudete Sunday, which means rejoice.  We rejoice today because the coming of the Lord is so near that we cannot help but think about it.  With so many decorations up already before Thanksgiving people in the midst of the ... Read More »

2nd Sunday of Advent - December 6,2020

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 12/03/20

One of the main characters of the Advent Season is John the Baptist.  He is called the precursor, or the forerunner of Christ, because he prepared the way for the coming of Jesus.  Mark’s gospel begins with John’s appearance in the desert proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the ... Read More »