Browsing Thoughts from Fr. Bob

23rd Sunday in OT - September 5, 2021

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 9/01/21

On this Labor Day weekend, which often marks the end of summer, we take a welcome rest from our labors.  Whether that be in a factory or field, store or office, school or home, we take time out for the one who promised that his yoke is easy and ... Read More »

22nd Sunday in OT, August 29,2021

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 8/24/21

The greatest gift we all have and will ever receive is the gift of life itself.  That gift was given to us most directly by our parents, whose life in turn was given to them by their parents and so on.  But ultimately the author of all life, the ... Read More »

21st Sunday in OT - August 22, 2021

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 8/20/21

Today in our first reading Joshua asks the tribes of Israel which god they will serve.  He gives them three options.  The gods beyond the River are their distant ancestors gods, from before Abraham and Sarah.  Nostalgia would inspire this choice.  The gods of the Amorites are those of ... Read More »

Assumption of Mary - August 15, 2021

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 8/11/21

Today is the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time of the church liturgical calendar.  This being August 15th, it is also the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  This is also the meditation for the fourth decade of the joyful mysteries of the rosary.  At the end ... Read More »

19th Sunday in OT - August 8, 2021

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 8/09/21

Today we continue hearing Jesus explain to the disciples, the curious, and the skeptical, that he is the bread of life sent from heaven to give his body so that we may have life forever.  Often the First Reading from the Old Testament is foreshadowing what Jesus and His ... Read More »

18th Sunday in OT - August 1, 2021

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 7/29/21

What if you never had to worry about where your next meal is coming from?  What if you didn’t have to work hard to put food on the table, never had to go to the store to buy food and drink, and you never had to prepare the meal ... Read More »

Feast of St James

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 7/22/21

Today is the 17th Sunday in the Ordinary Time of the Church calendar.  It is also the feast of St. James the Great.  (Greater-in the sense of older, taller, and first called, to distinguish him from St. James the Less, or younger son of Alpheus.  Not more important).  And ... Read More »

16th Sunday in OT - July 18, 2021

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 7/15/21

Summer time is a good opportunity to relax, to rest, and be renewed.  It’s a break from the daily routines of life.  In our Gospel, the Apostles came back from their mission and reported to Jesus what they had done and taught.  Time to go away to a deserted ... Read More »

15th Sunday in OT - July 11, 2021

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 7/07/21

We have responded to the call of the Lord by gathering each weekend in our church to worship God, to listen to the Word and to share in the Eucharist.  At the end of Mass we hear the dismissal “Go forth, the Mass is ended.”  (By the way that ... Read More »

14th Sunday in OT - July 4, 2021

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 6/29/21

We gather together today before the Lord and along side of one another to listen to God’s word and to share in the Eucharistic meal.  In remembrance of Jesus’ wonderful gift of his very self, we join in communion with the Church around the world.  We also celebrate this ... Read More »