Browsing Thoughts from Fr. Bob

33rd Sunday in OT - November 14, 2021

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 11/10/21

When we approach the end of any liturgical year, we listen to the kind of readings that we hear proclaimed today.  As frightening as the warnings are in today’s readings, they are accompanied by assurance that God remains with us, always.  We like to be in control of our ... Read More »

32nd Sunday in OT - November 7, 2021

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 11/03/21

The month of November is set aside to remember and honor all those who have preceded us in death.  Perhaps it’s because nature, too, is hibernating, dying in this fall season of the year.  We recall especially those family, friends, and parishioners who have passed away this past year.  ... Read More »

31st Sunday in OT - October 31, 2021

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 10/28/21

The first reading for Deuteronomy today provides a bit of the context of the original formulation of the two great commands Jesus gave to us in the gospel.  Unlike Jesus, Moses is not responding to a question.  He is wrapping up his presentation of the terms of the covenant ... Read More »

30th Sunday in OT - October 24, 2021

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 10/21/21

As what happened in last Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus asks the same questions to Bartimaeus, the blind beggar as he asked James and John, “What do you want me to do for you?”  The apostles, not seeing what they were asking for, ask for glory in the kingdom, one on ... Read More »

29th Sunday in OT - October 17, 2021

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 10/18/21

What if Jesus asked you, “What do you wish me to do for you?”  Perhaps our request would be for health, or a new job, or find me a spouse or a new friend, or that we would win the lottery.  He did ask in the Gospel today, what ... Read More »

28th Sunday in OT - October 10,2021

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 10/06/21

Living as a disciple of the Lord was never seen as a piece of cake, but a real daunting task.  Jesus challenges us and the way we live our lives.  In today’s Gospel, Jesus asks the eager young man to do two things to inherit eternal life.  The first ... Read More »

27th Sunday in OT - October 3, 2021

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 9/28/21

Today is not one of my favorite Gospels to speak about because it has to do with marriage.  Since many of us are single, never married, divorced, widowed, or in a same-sex marriage, we may feel the Good News today is not for us.  Human nature is imperfect, and ... Read More »

26th Sunday in OT - September 26, 2021

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 9/22/21

Whose side are you on?  This is a common refrain we find in relationships, politics, and society in general.   We disagree with each other and then we divide ourselves by where we stand on issues or by whom we want to associate with like Republican/Democrat/Liberal/Conservative/Pro vaccine/anti vaccine.  The church ... Read More »

25th Sunday in OT - September 19, 2021

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 9/17/21

Today’s readings can be quite unpleasant.  Envious instigator plot against the prophets and the future messiah, Jesus.  James explains that greed and envy are at the root of conflict between people.  Jesus again warns disciples that soon he will be handed over to people intending on killing him. 

The ... Read More »

24th Sunday in OT - September 12, 2021

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 9/09/21

Return and Rejoice!!  This weekend marks the beginning of our theme for this coming year.  Kids and young people are back in school, college, and soon to be in our religious education program.  While these are steps toward normalcy, we know the fight against the COVID-19 virus is not ... Read More »