Browsing Thoughts from Fr. Bob

Remembering our faithful departed

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 11/06/19

During the month of November, we remember our faithful departed.  Over the last two days we have celebrated All Saints Day and All Souls Day, honoring those whose lives have been holy and recalling all those we love whom we have lost in death.  For God, however, no one ... Read More »

Directing our prayers

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 11/06/19

When we pray, are we directing our prayer outward to God, or are we directing it inward toward ourselves?  In Jesus’ parable, he says that the Pharisee said his prayer to himself.  This could mean that he said it silently, but it could also indicate that he directed it ... Read More »

How do we pray?

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 10/23/19

How do we pray?  Do we pray only once a week when we come to weekend Mass?  Maybe once in a while when something important comes up?  Or do we pray regularly and purposefully?  Do we try to listen to what God is telling us?  Do we find prayer ... Read More »

Eucharist = Thanksgiving

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 10/08/19

As we gather to celebrate the Eucharist, let us not forget that the word “eucharist” means thanksgiving.  This Greek word is used to describe what Jesus did before sharing his body and blood at the Last Supper.  Today, as always, we give thanks to God for all the blessings ... Read More »

Respect Life

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 10/08/19

Today on Respect Life Sunday, we hear Jesus use the image of a mustard seed.  The mustard seed is so tiny, not much larger than a grain of sand, yet when planted and nurtured, grows into a large, strong tree.  This takes time though.  As we look around today, ... Read More »

St. Francis of Assisi - Pet Blessing

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 9/25/19

The memorial of St. Francis of Assisi is celebrated Friday of this week and is a customary day to bless animals.  Join us October 5 at 10:00 AM to have your pet blessed.

What comes to mind with the rise of importance of animals in our culture is how ... Read More »

Rummage Thank You and Weekend Parable

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 9/18/19

Let me begin with words of gratitude on the success of another Rummage Sale fund-raiser.  First, and foremost, to Bernie Bellin and all his co-workers for the many, many hours they put in toward the great outcome we had.  Secondly, to those who brought items for the bake sale.  ... Read More »

Lost Sheep

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 9/18/19

Today’s gospel, the 15th chapter of St. Luke’s gospels, is one of my favorites!  It speaks of God’s great mercy, compassion, and forgiveness.  And who is not in need of that?  Who is not a sinner?  We can speak about degrees, serious matter kind, and frequency of sins, but ... Read More »

A new school year has just begun

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 9/05/19

A new school year has just begun.  What an appropriate time to act as a student, eager to learn what it takes to follow the Lord.  What does it take to be a disciple of Jesus?  A couple of weeks ago, we learned it takes discipline, a word derived ... Read More »

Labor Day

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 9/05/19

We gather around the table of the Lord on this Labor Day weekend to share a meal.  Everyone is invited, regardless of race, gender, culture, background, class identity, income or any other unnecessary source of division.  We join together to celebrate the Eucharistic banquet.  As we listen to Jesus ... Read More »