Browsing Thoughts from Fr. Bob

28th Sunday in OT - October 15, 2023

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 10/11/23

Today we hear Jesus tell the story of a king who invites everyone he can find to a feast for his son.  Every Sunday, we are invited to a feast where we receive God’s Son.  Many weekends we take the invitation      for granted or see it only as some ... Read More »

27th Sunday in OT - October 8, 2023

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 10/03/23

Like the last few Sundays, the readings today speak of a vineyard.  It is an excellent time of the year to contemplate a vineyard, vines heavy with grapes waiting to be harvested.  But when Jesus speaks in parables, each element stands for something else.  The vineyard is our very ... Read More »

26th Sunday in OT - October 1, 2023

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 9/27/23

It certainly does seem unfair that a virtuous and good person can be undone by a single instance of sin. Ezekiel insists in our first reading, that the Lord does not see it as we do.  It is wise to use this example as a reminder to not be ... Read More »

25th Sunday in OT - September 24, 2023

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 9/20/23

In today’s parable Jesus tells his disciples the story of a landowner and the workers he hires.  But as we know, the symbolism of a parable stands for something else.  The landowner represents God, we are the workers, and the vineyard is the world.  What’s the work and customary ... Read More »

24th Sunday in OT - September 17, 2023

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 9/13/23

Peter, being the impetuous student of the Lord, asks him how often do I have to forgive my brother or sister? Seven times?  At the time, it was thought by the rabbis that three times was enough.  Seven was also seemed to represent completeness.  But Jesus shocks Peter when ... Read More »

23rd Sunday in OT - September 10, 2023

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 9/10/23

Today’s Gospel reminds us of how important it is to gather with the Church each weekend for Mass.  Jesus assures his disciples that “wherever two or three are gathered in His name, He is there with them.”  Our confidence in his promise assures us that Jesus is here with ... Read More »

22nd Sunday in OT - September 3, 2023

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 9/05/23

Today, as we honor all those whose labor enhances our lives and the lives of others, we recognize the holiness of the work we do.  Whether we labor for an employer or company, for our own families, or both, we set aside our own desires to expend our time ... Read More »

21st Sunday in OT - August 27, 2023

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 8/23/23

“Who do you say I am?” we hear Jesus ask his disciples and therefore asks us as well.  Who do you say that Jesus is?  We could probably give the same answer as Peter.  “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”  We know what Peter could ... Read More »

20th Sunday in OT - August 20, 2023

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 8/16/23

In today’s first reading, we hear God tell Isaiah, “for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.”  We gather each weekend in our church, a house of prayer, and as the song goes, all are welcome to pray to God in praise, in petition, ... Read More »

19th Sunday in OT - August 13, 2023

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 8/10/23

At this time of year, the forces of nature can buffet us from every side.  Drought and forest fires, thunderstorms and floods, tornadoes and hurricanes, anything seems possible.  If we are in a vulnerable position, in a small boat at sea, we can find ourselves in grave danger.  Today ... Read More »