Browsing Thoughts from Fr. Bob

20th Sunday of Ordinary Time - August 18, 2024

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 8/15/24

If it seems as if we’ve been hearing about Jesus as the Bread of Life for a few weeks now, you’re absolutely right. John obviously thought that this teaching was quite important. Perhaps not coincidentally, John is the only evangelist who doesn’t write about Jesus offering his Body and ... Read More »

19th Sunday of Ordinary Time - August 11, 2024

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 8/08/24

At this time of summer, parts of the country where the heat has accumulated, along with great fires, is overwhelming. Because of this, the first reading today will resonate with us. Just one day into his journey across the desert, the great prophet Elijah is so hot and tired ... Read More »

18th Sunday of Ordinary Time - August 4, 2024

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 8/01/24

"I am the bread of life,” Jesus tells us in the Gospel today, “whoever comes to me will never hunger.” We come to encounter Jesus in five ways. We experience him in God’s word, proclaimed to our assembly. We see him in those who minister to us at Mass. ... Read More »

17th Sunday of Ordinary Time - July 28, 2024

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 7/25/24

From five barley loaves and two fish, Jesus was able to provide a wonderful feast for thousands of people. All of them had plenty to eat and what was left over filled twelve baskets. The people realized they had just witnessed a miracle, a sign to bring them to ... Read More »

16th Sunday of Ordinary Time - July 21, 2024

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 7/18/24

Today we hear Jesus invite his disciples, who have just returned from their mission, to travel with him to a deserted place to rest awhile.  Sounds like the perfect thing for us to do at this time of year.  Even Jesus realized the need to rest and recharge.  But ... Read More »

15th Sunday of Ordinary Time - July 14, 2024

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 7/11/24

In today’s Gospel, the twelve apostles are sent out on their own for the first time.  Jesus instructs them to preach repentance, cure those who are sick, and drive out demons.  Jesus did not accompany them in person, but he was surely with them in spirit.

Jesus does not ... Read More »

14th Sunday of Ordinary Time - July 7, 2024

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 7/03/24

Last week we heard of two people with exceptional strong faith: Jairus, whose daughter was near death, and a woman who was afflicted for twelve years with an incurable condition.  In the course of curing each, Jesus told both how vital each one's faith was.  “Do not be afraid; ... Read More »

13th Sunday of Ordinary Time - June 30, 2024

Posted by Donna Brown on 7/01/24

Last week we heard of two people with exceptional strong faith: Jairus, whose daughter was near death, and a woman who was afflicted for twelve years with an incurable condition.  In the course of curing each, Jesus told both how vital each one's faith was.  “Do not be afraid; ... Read More »

12th Sunday of Ordinary Time - June 23, 2024

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 6/19/24

Summer has arrived and with it, unfortunately, the  ever-present chance of summer storms.  High winds, tornadoes, thunderstorms, and flash floods make these storms frightening and dangerous.  The disciples were terrified when a violent squall came up while they were on the Sea of Galilee.  But not Jesus.  He rebuked ... Read More »

11th Sunday of OT - June 16 2024

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 6/13/24

Today’s readings are especially timely at this point of the year.  Two of the passages concern nature, specifically the growth of large trees and plants.  As   we head into summer, we can appreciate the shade from a large tree.  On this Father’s Day, a sturdy tree that provides shelter ... Read More »