Browsing Thoughts from Fr. Bob

Lent 3 - March 3, 2024

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 2/28/24

Today we hear God deliver the Ten Commandments to Moses and the Chosen People.  The commandments provide a way for them to live up to their part of the covenant.  We face the same challenge today.  Lent is a wonderful opportunity to examine our consciences and recall times when ... Read More »

Lent 2 - February 25, 2024

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 2/21/24

As we continue our Lenten journey, we hear stories of two significant journeys in the history of our faith.  Abraham travels to a distant land with his precious son, Isaac, where his devotion and obedience to God will be put to their greatest test.  Jesus leads his closest disciples ... Read More »

Lent 1 - February 18, 2024 - and letter from Fr. George

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 2/15/24

As we begin this Lenten season we encounter ashes and rainbows.  That’s a strange combination.  Ashes are dirty, messy, and ugly.  Rainbows, on the other hand, are beautiful and inspiring.  On Wednesday, ashes were smudged on our foreheads as a sign of our mortality and sinfulness.  Today we hear ... Read More »

6th Sunday in OT - February 11, 2024

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 2/07/24

As we fast approach Ash Wednesday and the Lenten season of repentance and penitence, we hear how Jesus responded to a man who was considered unclean, both physically and spiritually.  Over the following forty days we will approach our Lord as sinners, in need of forgiveness, in need of ... Read More »

5th Sunday in OT - February 4, 2024

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 2/04/24

Job could be the patron saint of drudgery, restless nights, and miserable days.  Every evening he ends his day without hope.  He has no confidence that his life will change.  A couple of weeks ago we heard Jesus call Andrew and Simon.  They abandoned their nets of drudgery and ... Read More »

4th Sunday in OT - January 28, 2024

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 1/24/24

Can you believe it’s been over a month since we celebrated Christmas?  By now, our decorations are hopefully back in their boxes and the warm glow of the holidays has faded, but let us not forget that our greatest Christmas gift ever, the Son of God, remains with us ... Read More »

3rd Sunday in OT - January 21, 2024

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 1/17/24

In today’s Gospel, Jesus passes by the Sea of Galilee and calls the first four disciples, two pairs of brothers, Simon and Andrew, James (our patron) and John.  Follow me, he tells these four fishermen, and I will make you fishers of more disciples.  Jesus continues to call disciples. ... Read More »

2nd Sunday in OT - January 14, 2024

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 1/12/24

Nobody likes to waste time.  We are a people ruled by the clock.  Time is money because time is to be filled with controlled activity which is productive.  The last thing you want to do is waste time playing around with realities that do not produce a saleable commodity.  ... Read More »

Epiphany - January 7, 2024

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 1/12/24

Today we recall the Epiphany (the manifestation of the Gentiles) the magi, three Kings, wise men, and astrologers, who find the newborn King of the Jews and present him with their finest gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.  We each make our own journey to the Lord, and when ... Read More »

Holy Family - December 31, 2023

Posted by Fr Bob Betz on 12/27/23

When Jesus was born into the world, he was born into a family.  Today we celebrate the Holy Family, a model for us all to emulate.  Do we love and respect our children as Joseph and Mary did their Son?  Do we love and honor our parents as Jesus ... Read More »